My RPG Qualms

By: Brian Boark, Owner of Ginzuishou Plus!

I guess I would have to start off with my RPGing experience. In regards to Sailormoon RPG's I started about two years ago and stopped during last summer. I've joined a total of 3 SM RPG's and GM'ed one. It's been a less than interesting run, I've found a few things that lead me away from the whole experience which I will share with everyone in this opinion piece.

First off are the munchkins. I'm sure we've all seen them, those dreaded fanfic characters for online RPG's that are all powerful, all knowing, and can do everything. *shudder* I HATE them with a passion! There's nothing worse than the arrogance of a player or GM who creates a "munchkin" character for play in an RPG of any kind.

munchkin - an unrealistic, usually ridiculously powerful fanfic character that irritates the hell out of everyone because there is nothing they can't do.

The first thing that bothers me about munchkins is their power level which is usually off the charts but tends to be clouded in their description of it. Players who create these characters can do a fairly good job at making ambiguous descriptions of their characters abilities or powers. It usually goes something like this,

"He seems to be a rather unremarkable individual but deep within him broods a strange power of unknown capabilities. This power shows through in rare occasions of need which leads to mass destruction as a result of it. Others fear him for this and he finds himself an outcast of mainstream society, blah, blah, blah..."

They also tend to add in a "work in progress" statement which usually means that the character is working on controlling and refining this power. Look out! This is probably going to be a munchkin who'll save the day with his mysterious power of unknown capabilities. These characters tend to show up in free form games or within the games of stupid or God Mode minded GM's (these types tend to be acceptable if the RPG is a high level game).

Specifically to Sailormoon, I hate characters or RPG's that deviate from the ethos and theme's of the series (both anime and manga). RPG's that take place in weird times or places or that kill main characters annoy me beyond. I know it sounds a bit snobbish or anti free will or something but it's what I think. Sailormoon/Usagi/Princess Serenity/Neo-Queen Serenity is not destined to die at any time, as Naoko-sama put it in the last line of Act 52 - Stars 10,

Mamoru looks at her in the sunlight.

"Even if someday we are gone," he thinks, "and new sailor soldiers, new stars are born... Sailor Moon, you will forever be immortal. For all eternity, you will be the most beautiful, brilliant light."

The above statement also brings to mind another pet peeve of mine, characters that deviate from the theme of the power of "feminine magic". I'm a guy myself, but even I know that Sailormoon is based around women, this theme is obvious in every season or story arch. In ancient, pre-historic times, it's suggested that women where thought of as magical individuals because of their ability to carry and bare children (mother Earth). Naoko-sama picks this detail up pretty fast and makes all her most powerful characters women (Sailormoon, Saturn, Pluto, Queen Serenity, Galaxia and the other Senshi at large, plus almost all her villains are women too).

Women hold the power of magic in their hands within the Sailormoon ethos, men aren't as powerful and tend to take on a more physical role in regards to battle. I don't want to see fanfic RPG characters called Lord Black Hole or Knight Quasar who can control the properties of the universe, and easily overpower their female counterparts. Again, this isn't a male bashing thing, it's just the way the series is organized.

Further more, the most powerful character in the series, notably Sailormoon, can't just blow away whomever she wants on a whim. Her power seems to come when it's needed and isn't something to be shown off or over used. The same goes for Saturn and Pluto. Saturn will only use her deadly destructive powers as a last resort and not on a regular basis to destroy cities, continents, worlds or other characters.

If an RPG is going to deviate completely from the ethos and theme's of the Sailormoon series than GM's should post a disclaimer that they've modified the story and specifically say what's changed. I've come across many RPG sites that have abstracted Sailormoon story elements into something completely new. You would hope that the majority of people would understand this but they don't and would take it out of context thinking it the truth if there newbies.

In conclusion, I wish RPers wouldn't throw their real life insecurities into RPG fanfic characters. If they're insecure and suffering from a low self-esteem, making a munchkin with God like powers and drop dead good looks will just irritate everyone else incredibly and will do nothing for real world troubles. Further more, these insecurities will show through and leave those areas open and vulnerable to attack by others like me who don't appreciate these characters (I would never flame or be cruel in any way but I would speak out, people with insecurity and self-esteem problems tend to take this kind of criticism personally and will feel worse in the end for it).

Please be realistic people, don't insult the rest of us with these crapy characters who deify the themes and the ethos of the very show the RPG is based on. If these characters can do everything, why bother even having a story with a challenge at all. It's counter productive and just plain annoying. >_<

Pocket_Demon's Comments: No comment. I just thought it was a good article to request to post.
