Senshi of Pride (the hope in everyone's hearts)

By: Brian Bork, Owner of Ginzuishou Plus!

There seems to be some confusion surrounding the anime Galaxia. In the past four months or so, I've come across a few sites with info on Sailor Stars and Galaxia in general. These pages neglect to mention one important thing about Galaxia that the anime nails into you when watching it, the subject of pride and fighting alone.

In the anime, Galaxia is supposedly the strongest Sailor Senshi in the Galaxy. She had the power to temporarily defeat Chaos by sealing it into herself therefore sparing the universe the wrath of it's evil but at a price. Eventually Chaos would over power Galaxia and abduct her body and powers.

At the time Galaxia sealed Chaos, she stated aloud, "Who could protect the Galaxy but me!". She believed that the only way to win against Chaos was to fight by herself, she's the strongest Sailor Senshi in the Galaxy so she had her pride to carry her through. Galaxia sends her star seed, her light of hope, to find another who could embrace it warmly in the Galaxy. After all, it was her hope in battle and power that she believed was the only means to win the Sailor Wars or any fight to begin with.

Her star seed becomes known as "the light of hope" and as Chibichibi during Sailor Stars. At the end of the series, during episode 200 Chibichibi reveals herself to everyone and becomes a sword of sealing, Chibichibi believed that it was only through the death of Galaxia that the Earth and the rest of the Galaxy would be saved. Sailormoon refuses to believe that battle and Galaxia's death is the only way to defeat Chaos and free the Galaxy. When Sailormoon toke up the sword of sealing, Galaxia shattered it with the sword (I assume) she originally used to seal Chaos with. She gloated and said "It's all over! The light of hope you believed in is now in pieces." Is this what they believed in?

In episode 199, the Starlight's do attack and over power Galaxia and injure her, but their attempt pretty much fails because of Galaxia's level of power. In return, she blasts the Starlight's into oblivion then actually stepped on Starfighter's hand as she prepared to attack again, destroying her Star Yell. Does fighting outright with Galaxia defeat her? It seems not, that's why the sword of sealing is shattered by Galaxia, Sailormoon didn't believe that fighting was the proper way and understands that it only leads to pain and loneliness. I remember a scene from the movie "Practical Magic" where Sandra Bullocks character says something like "Items have power because we believe in them." That applies perfectly to the situation at hand with Sailormoon's own beliefs in others and their hope. That's why her sword was shattered and Chibichibi died.

Sailormoon fights for her friends, she fights for those she loves. A few moments before Galaxia says "Who could protect the Galaxy but me", she says "After defeating Chaos, what have I gotten into! What did I fight for!?". With her pride and belief in battle and power alone, she didn't feel that she needed anyone else to save the Galaxy from Chaos. She believed only in her duty as a Sailor Senshi (to fight for love and justice) and not what is actually important about it, if there's know one to protect then how does love and justice mater?

As Sailor Uranus died, she told Starfighter that she (Fighter) isn't fighting for peace or the future, but for that girl Sailormoon and that Fighter also felt she must protect her from then on and always. Again this points out how important others are, and that the belief in their hearts is universal. When Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Tuxedo Kamen, Pluto, Saturn, Kakyuu Princess, Neptune, and Uranus die, they pass on their hopes to Sailormoon and their belief in her as well. With important people to protect, Sailormoon was able to find the small hope left in Galaxia's heart to save the Earth and the Galaxy. She always believed that fighting and sacrifice wasn't the way, she knew that her friends where never gone if she didn't give up her hope. With all of that on her side, she light up the Galaxy and defeated Chaos sending it to the hearts of everyone, because everyone has the light of hope in their hearts and therefore can protect the Galaxy against Chaos.

The one cannot do it alone. Galaxia's pride is always overlooked in summaries and synopsis of Sailor Stars. The ever important theme of cooperation and the belief in others still reigns supreme over Chibichibi, Galaxia, and the Starlight's. Alone does not exist in the heart of Usagi and the other Senshi, to have one another defines why they fight for love and justice, without important people to protect, those words are meaningless.

Pocket_Demon's Comments: No comment. I just thought it was a good article to request to post.
